
Suggestions on Cintamani Stone Project

   This principle will be the same no matter the country  For those that are new to the Cintamani Stone you can review more here   KEY to understand that in order to have the stongest effect these stones need to tachyonized & only one source has the means to tachyonize an object therefore stones bought from etsy,ebay etc are NOT going to be tachyonized , here is the links for tachyonized stones  Any other source is not authentic no matter what they say and no matter what you think regardless of the quantity and quality of claims saying otherwise , If you have trust issues and swear these statements are untrue or have alternate motives do not engage in this project or the people involved.Those doing so are consciously or unconsciously interfering with a very legitimate liberation project of Saint Germain's for the New Earth and are thus responsible for continued suffering and prolongation of the planetary liberation all because the...

Video Game Disclosure - Uncharted 2 - 2009

   In the same year Sony released via Insomniac Games developer-  Ratchet & Clank A Crack In Time, containing the following Cintamani Disclosure : Sony's other game developing company-Naughty Dog released their 2nd game in a new series they created after the Jak and Daxter series. That new series was called Uncharted & their 2nd game was all about the Cintamani stone and finding Shamaballa(Agartha) :   This game was extremely successful :  "Cintamani is a sacred stone which came from the Sirius star system. Millions of years ago, during a Galactic Superwave , a planet orbiting Sirius A exploded. Its fragments traveled in all directions, some of them reaching Earth after a long journey through interstellar space. In the last 25,000 year...

Kung Fu Panda Symbolic Representation based Disclosure

You can obtain Tachyonized Cintamani Stones ( only location for tachyonized ) : (bottoms) - >Planting more cintamani stones in locations worldwide supports the positive energy grid : suggestions-on-cintamani-stone-projects .html  ( Link ) " Cintamani grid around the planet is one of the major tools for manifesting the planetary Light grid. Whenever a Cintamani stone is planted in the soil somewhere around the planet, a huge angelic being is anchored in that spot, creating an energy vortex miles in diameter "    ( Interesting to note this is again from an Asian backround theme)

Video Game Disclosure - Ratchet & Clank A Crack In Time - 2009

 Location - Zolar Forest on Planet Quantos  " Quantos was voted "The Best Kept Secret" by the Polaris Board of Interstellar Travel , due to its unspoiled jungles, friendly natives and freshwater fjords...helped to rescue her children that were trapped by zyphoids ... invaders led by Lord Vorselon kidnapped Qwark ...The planet had some time anomalies , but after Clank fixed them at the Great Clock, the anomalies disappeared" -    [ This is what the Cintamani looks like on the etheric plane as it is a conduit for the Galactic Central Sun which is the source of Free Will for all sentient beings in the galaxy. The color of the emanation of this Divine Will of the Source is White/Electric Blue. ]   The Fongoids : "... live in tribal communities throughout the galaxy on planets Quantos , Zanifar , and Morklon . They have limited technology, though are apparently capable of traveling between worlds ...Eons ago, the ...

Video Game Disclosure - Jak & Daxter 2 - 2003

Location : " During Jak II , it was accessed via an air lock in the Water Slums " -   4 Stones ( 2 on each wall ) plus a large ceiling stone. Notice they are BLUE. Notice the dent like structure is has on the stone itself - this is exactly how the Cintamani are (they are not smooth in most cases.)  Just like the design in the 1st Game :   Jak & Daxter Game Series always had a certain connection  with another game series called Ratchet & Clank, although from different developers they share the same parent company that of Sony. It is interesting to note that a Ratchet & Clank Game carries on this blue theme on the Cintamani here :

Video Game Disclosure - Jak & Daxter The Precursor Legacy - 2001

    #1  Game Developer : Dog  Cintamani Stone is from Sirius :   "Sirius is colloquially known as the " Dog Star " -  The parent company of this game developer is Sony Interactive Entertainment , which is a Japanese company. The Dragon Families is a very key & powerful Earth Alliance Faction of the East & they are very well aware of the cintamani stone  A)   Monday, May 21, 2018  Firing the Grid Update " Dragon sources have communicated that holders of cintamani stones are part of the planetary grid for Compression Breakthrough. This grid now extends into the Agartha network. Cintamani is a sacred stone of the Agartha network. Dragons are asking everybody to treat cintamani stones with respect and are requesting people who are involved in surface cintamani grid, to refrain from having physical ...