Video Game Disclosure - Ratchet & Clank A Crack In Time - 2009

 Location - Zolar Forest on Planet Quantos

 " Quantos was voted "The Best Kept Secret" by the Polaris Board of Interstellar Travel, due to its unspoiled jungles, friendly natives and freshwater fjords...helped to rescue her children that were trapped by zyphoids ... invaders led by Lord Vorselon kidnapped Qwark ...The planet had some time anomalies, but after Clank fixed them at the Great Clock, the anomalies disappeared" -


 [ This is what the Cintamani looks like on the etheric plane as it is a conduit for the Galactic Central Sun which is the source of Free Will for all sentient beings in the galaxy. The color of the emanation of this Divine Will of the Source is White/Electric Blue. ]


The Fongoids :

"... live in tribal communities throughout the galaxy on planets Quantos, Zanifar, and Morklon. They have limited technology, though are apparently capable of traveling between worlds ...Eons ago, the Zoni were in contact with fongoid civilization, and entrusted them with the gift of time travel, hoping it would enrich their lives" -


Another function of the Cintamani Stone is healing the timelines within its reach when buried

See #9  here :

It is very important to point out that the buried tachyonized Cintamani stones are key in clearing the anomaly. 
It just so happens that this same game series Ratchet & Clank discloses the anomaly in 2 different games


In their most recent game which was centered on the anomaly :

Also contains Disclosure of The Archons

& The Resistance Movement (although in a inverted way)

An old movie that also Discloses the resistance movement also contain Cintamani disclosure ( a post to expand on this is coming soon ) :

The same year this ratchet & clank game was released was also when the following MAJOR cintamani disclosure game released :


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